Esteemed Omaha Chamber of Commerce Award Presented to Evolving Solutions
Omaha, NE March 2010 – Evolving Solutions, a member of the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce and leading voice and data consulting company, won the esteemed award given by the Chamber for “Excellence in Business.”
Each year the Omaha 25 Awards Luncheon recognizes a Greater Omaha area individual or business for their contributions to the positive growth of our business community. Based on nominations of Chamber members, the 25 awards are presented in several categories based on a variety of criteria.
This year, Evolving Solutions is one of the winners! Evolving Solutions received the Excellence in Business Award for their excellence in business practices, positive financial growth, and community involvement. Evolving Solutions was presented their award at the Chamber awards luncheon on May 11, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Omaha Convention Center.